Monday, November 29, 2021

10 days late

 I do not do this stuff ,,, but I wanted to do this.........

So - 10 days late - here it is..

Thursday, November 25, 2021

I simply can't

 So - I try to get several perspectives on the news,,, I really do.

SO- I tune over to the FAKE (fox) news network to get their take on the Guilty verdicts that were handed down yesterday.... 

THEY are talking Gas prices. their expert spokesperson says that IF Biden would just reopen the Key Stone pipe line the oil prices would bust. Yep the country would  then have a glut of OIL and gas prices would there-by fall.... 

Ok - I do not know how many times this needs to be said - THE President of the US has Nothing, Zilch, Zero, Nada to do with gas prices !! They could not directly affect it one way or the other !!! So - can we please STOP this BULLSHIT !!!

In addition - If you did not know - the Keystone pipeline delivered Tar Sand from Canada to the Gulf refineries .... Tar sand is too expensive to refine into gasoline,,, so it's used for what you would think of as "thicker " oil products. So ten Keystone pipelines would have NO effect on Gas prices or supply ! Add to that - what Biden signed on his 1st day in office was revoking permits that allowed a pipeline to run across Indian land - Reservations and National/State parks...  

then there is this,,,  Former POTUS the DUMP said that he filled the Emergency oil reserves  that it was depleted - WRONG - LIE -  geez ,  go Google it for christ sakes.....   The Reserves were the highest under the Obama administration.... Now  -it may be an error to release 50 million barrels from our reserve. and BTW many other countries are doing the same ,,,, this oil and once refines gas will be sold on the open market.... NOT just going to US supply.. So that may change the Supply - BUT not the Price  -  I think this is an error as we do not have a supply issue - OPEC  essentially controls the worlds supply has been asked to increase production,,,, but has not yet taken any action... and OH - Dump was the one a few years  go that negotiated with the Terrorist nations that run OPEC to get them to increase production,, after he promised them $$$$$$$  ...... 

As a Side note - Those who think BIG Pharma is making billions on this Vaccine - and thats why they are not getting vaccinated  - "I'm Not supporting BIG PHARMA" they are making Billions on the American people !!!  These folks have no issue with BIG OIL cleaning up on these gas increases....

Here is Exxon/Mobil stock chart for a year - and yes we own some XOM Stock...

and Earning and dividends are also up !

So - Maybe you should stop driving your car and show those Oil companies what you will/will not do !

Have a great Thanksgiving !!

Saturday, November 13, 2021


 This quote is  not from Abraham Lincoln: but has been attributed to him

it is from Jekin Lloyd Jones

"No outside foe can ever denude this country, however much they may wish to storm our shores with shells or sink our battleships," he wrote. "Nations do not die from invasion, they die from internal rottenness."

This is a Quote by him.... but may have not been spoken directly in this form/

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

I think we are seeing BOTH things happening....

We have several crisis threatening us and our way of life,,,  now it may or may not come to be in my time ,, but most certainly in my childrens time..

- Political upheaval - coming from within. If the Former President / Treasonist is reelected in 2024 it will be escalated to the point of Destroying the Democracy while promoting and embedding his person interests. Even if he is not - you need to remember that the Silence of the people that should be speaking out against the insanity of what is going on will be the Reson that the Democracy FAILS.  MLK said it best. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

What should scare the shit out of you is that there were actually near 1000 people in Dallas  / Daley Plaze (where JFK was killed) that fully expected to see his son John Jr - who dies in a  plane crash in 1999 - these people expected that he was to reveal that he was NOT Dead , but working behind the Scenes helping Former Prez Dump . and was the be his running mate in 2024.... Let that sink in....

- Climate Crisis  - If we do not address global warming there will be MAJOR changes to the Earth that will not be reversible in the near future. We cannot continue to take and take and impact the Climate without consequence.  Rising Temperatures and melting Ice caps WILL destroy species and Land masses ...