Thursday, August 27, 2020

Blocking and Tackle-ing

 Did you know that FACEBOOK - with all it's security problems - and other Privacy issues does a decent job of something,,, at least in my opinion,...

IF you block a contact - ie you go to that little downward pointing triangle in the top right corner and click it...   Then click Setting and Privacy, them on the FAR left side  (and yea they make it tricky to do some of this) on the FAR left you will see "BLOCKING" about half way down the screen .... you click that - and you can BLOCK any user ..... and if you have it will show you the list of names you have blocked... FB tells you this about Blocking. 

"Once you block someone, that person can no longer see things you post on your timeline, tag you, invite you to events or groups, start a conversation with you, or add you as a friend. Note: Does not include apps, games or groups you both participate in." 

What it also does - and FB does not tell you this ..."You and the blocked person will not find the profiles for each other even if you search for the names on Facebook’s search bar."

Meaning what - ??  

If you block someone from seeing YOU - FB blocks YOU from seeing them..  WHOOSH !

That is all............. for now....


First Time - Long Time

 Greetings !!! 

You are getting this today because of the impending BAD weather this morning, although I bet it don't rain for a few hours ,, it sure is Dark looking to the West of me,,, and I'd rather not get a wet ASS Biking or Walking,,,, although honestly , I am more concerned about My I-phone getting wet than me,,,  as to Quote Phrase from an old runner  friend of mine  - Tom  - he would say "hey - last time I checked ,,, I'm water proof " !    Quick Update - I started this at 7:10 & it's 7:26 now and Raining reasonably hard !

Ok so I promise to have more input and I will try to not make it 100% Political ,, but lets start that way...

I encourage you to Join the Lincoln Project - read their content and decide if you want to  make a donation, share the Content on Social Media or just take it all in for Yourself.  Ok - that's it,, but you will see a few the Their Videos pop up here..

Now - let's discuss Face Masks,,,,,  IF you are driving in your Car,  All Alone, wearing a mask - YOU ARE the REASON that  Pop Tarts have to have Directions on them !!!  

 Now - I admit that I ride my bike and I walk on the Rail Trail with No mask - we can debate later if you think I should have one.... but here is an  example of DOH ! do you understand what you are doing !!?!??  As I approach some people,,,,  Does not matter if I'm on  Wheels or Heels - They have the Mask on their Chin or in their hand, and they put it up on their face as I Pass - and Immediately remove it as I am pass along side them..  Ok if they are wearing the mask for ME.....   I am traveling into air they just exhaled - so the mask does no good to only be worn as I pass..  SAME if they are wearing the mask to-  they think -protect themselves,,, they are passing into air that I just exhaled , sneezed into , couched into.... so dropping the Mask immediately as we pass does not do shit for them !!!  And this matter not - if I am passing them from behind,,, or Passing them FACE to FACe across the 10 foot wide Rail trail... 

Have you seen me lately  ????  If not - I am down about 50 pounds since January 29th - hen I got some "bad" blood work... Since , my blood pressure and pulse has dropped,,, my A1C went down to under 5 and a half...  I do seem to be Stuck at this weight - just under 200 - but  am not sure I can eat less , or exercise more...  biggest change has been adding Fruits and Vegetables to my eating, eating less (smaller portions) , cooking almost everything fresh ,,,,  and we bought Traeger Grill - that is amazing,,, makes everything taste great,,, and you can't burn anything !!!   You sorta get three Grills in one,,, you can smoke anything ! at low temps 180 - 225 for a long time , several hours if needed,,, you can use it a s Bake oven from say that 250 degrees to 375,,, or crank it up to hight - 450 and Grill away like normal grill except with that great smoke flavor added to everything !  OK - Traeger advertisement over !!  I'm not in Any Running shape yet,, and do not expect to be able to run -  but Continue to work on Jogging a few half miles on my say  - every other day 5-6 mile walks... admit-tingly have some back pain from walking biking or working,,,  and for the Majority of days not taking those Tylenol to quiet it....

I - like everyone else - am wondering then Things will get back to "normal" or what that normal will look like, I'm not ready to get on a plane yet to travel anywhere....

Next weird thought........

You do know that it is possible that the last time we talked will be the last time we talk.

and the last time you saw me,.,,, and I you - will be the last time we do,..... Just sayin....


AMOS LEE ....  not much of a Video but a great older song of his.... you can go find a live version of you will...


Life During Pandemic

Whoa - so as of today the Death toll is near 155 Thousand people ,,, and cases are rising to the nearly 5 million level.  THIS IS NOT A RESULT OF MORE TESTING !!!

so about 500 people per million of Population die in the United States...   and we add about a thousand people a day to the death list, yet ; the POTUs says  "it is what it is "  And NO we do not have a plan at the National level for Testing or Response to the Virus.... Now - not that we would want to be South Korea BUT - the WHO reports that South Korea has had 301 deaths ....  yup 301.... and let's compare - they are a nation of 50 million... we are a nation of 330 Million,...  so some simple math would say that we are 6.5 times larger than they are,,, so that 301 would be 1980 deaths,,,, and we have what 155,000  ???  Something is wrong.  And While Rump is not responsible for the virus - He IS responsible for lack of National response, and the Economic problems that it has caused and continues to cause in this country.

Secondly - although it is great to see baseball back - the Season is a Joke ! Truncated to 60 games ! Expanded rosters. Switching schedules - seems to be a daily occurrence depending what team has tested positive for the Covid - 19