Thursday, December 12, 2019

Everyone can't be right

Ok - so we are off to a week in America's playground  - nope not Disney. Las Vegas....

Visiting my son and daughter-in-law(close enough) before the April trip for the wedding when it will be the Whole Fam Damily,  and all the "joy" that will bring  = so this time it's just us......

Listening to the Dem and Reps give statements about the Articles of Impeachment makes me think that someone is not using their active listening skills...  both sides cannot be right ! and we ain't talkin a slight difference of opinion. We are talking about that it CANNOT be that all of these guys listened to the same words and drew conclusions that are 180 degrees opposed to each other, one saw a Red Horse and one saw a  Blue Horse.  One saw a guy rob the store that was 7 ft 6 in tall and was naked and the other side saw a 4 ft 2 in women dressed in a tuxedo.

Actually what I think is happening here is what I have said before - that they - BOTH Sides -  decided what the End would look like , and what they needed it to be, then they bent the narrative to fit the necessary outcome.

I'm not sure that the best defense from the POTUS is that the Impeachment is Weak and thin.. that sorta says to me that the evidence of the article exists .......   that yes,, I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar - but he I only took two cookies (one for each hand) it's not like I took them all !!

one  from the Beatles

One from the Stones

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Looking the other way ...

They are scared of Trump  - they don;t wanna be called names. They don't want to get on his bad  side,,,,  I have to say that I believe in exactly what they said in the Impeachment inquiry.

The Phone call was one thing,,, the Quid pro Quo - was essentially stated in what the Whitehouse released,,,  that the President of the US withheld monies meant for  a foreign country until they announced that they - the Ukraine - stated publicly that they were investigating, Biden and his son. The once found out they released the money and Covered up the evidence or tried to and continue to by blocking Congress's ability to to do the investigation - to do their Job as required by the Constitution. 

i have been saying that I do not believe that the US will be able to survive another 4 years of Trump presidency - that the Republic that we know - will be forever changed 4 years from now ,,,, and the Crimes outlined in the Impeachment investigation say exactly that. 

That the 45th President presents an immediate, clear and future threat to American national security, the Constitution and the resilience of the republic's democratic self-governance itself.  

the Congress - both Houses -  need to wake up.... they need to look at the Country and see what he has done ,,, and then vote to both Impeach and then Remove him from office.