Thursday, May 2, 2019

Turn the Page

And so it has begun,,,,

May 1st the Marina came back to Life -  6 months of boating and sailing begins, and does not end - obviously - till Halloween !! 

What does this mean ?  That my morning hours are over ,,, and I start working evenings,,,   noon to 8 or 3 to 8pm ... Launching and trailering boats,   Retail sales,,,  Whew ! exhausting ! (read that as sarcastic)  The "real" work at this job is before the Marina  opens and after it closes )April and November) ,,, during the season  its a pretty sweet gig,... beautiful setting on the Hudson - fantastic Sunsets,  Wildlife viewing, Eagles, Osprey, fox, coyotes, beavers, muskrat,  a rare sighting of a lynx or bobcat  and last year a black bear.   Yea - gotta put up with a few P.I.A. folks - but the far majority are very friendly , nice people...  So you can find me there several evenings a week,,,,

The POTUS is now constantly saying that Biden does not matter, but he and his henchmen can't seem to answer a question of make a Tweet without mentioning him - Biden clearly is getting under their skin.  Now - will Joe with the Democratic nomination - I am not sure,,,, can he beat Dump in an election ,,, I think he can,,,,   I do agree with his message that 4 more years of a Dump presidency will forever change this nation,,, and may destroy the Republic that we know.

I believe that even of the Impeachment vote cannot be won in the Senate, that the House  of Representative has a Constitutional obligation to Go forward with Impeachment proceedings. 

Let me go with these today....
IF you are not familiar with Micheal Franti's music - maybe  you Shouldn't be !

Caution - you WILL be moved if you watch this video - you might even shed a tear.....
This is Michael Franti and Spearhead,,,featuring Victoria Canal - 

WE can be the Healing - we can be the Flower in the gun.....

Say Hey  !