There comes a time in life ,, well in most peoples lives - I don't know about you and yours ,,,, but the point is that you realize that you are never gonna be more than you are today..not going to accomplish more that you have, not achieve much more, DO much more,,,
. Not that it is a Bad thing to come to grips with. No Trip to Alaska,,, no big promotion at work , won't ever buy that retirement property,,, I'm not flying the Space Shuttle or Splitting the Atom, , never gonna write a Novel, or play a guitar, or .. well you get the Idea.... you are not waiting to die exactly. But the BIG stuff - the Really BIG stuff is outta reach , Physically,, financially, realistically
You are gonna be about exactly what you (I am) today..... and whats so awful....? I have a great Family,,, we don't talk as much as other Families, (probably my fault) but its a good solid Family. I have a good job,, difficult and stressful , but pays far more than a High-School graduate like me could ever think to be paid to do this,,,,, nice house,, not great , but nice, small, and easier to maintain, a small yard with some flowers and trees,,, and a nice green lawn thanks to Lawn doctor. You realize - that at some point - you have had enough of doing what you have been doin for 33 years,,,, and a job that you have been doing for nearly 30 of those 33,,, you want to move on,, do something else ,, live somewhere else, do something different , build something .... Renovate something,,, OR do you wait till its too late,, you are too old,,, too ill,,, to infirm, then those things that you may have thought of as Dreams when you were younger are now the nightmare things that haunt you -
"Is a Dream a lie that don't come true,, or is it something worse? exactly ...
So - what you gonna do ??
You talking to me ? Are you talking to me? you must be talkin to me cause ,I'm the only one here,,
do you know what a Vector is ? IT is quantity possessing both Direction and Magnitude. A Plane going 100 mph (Speed / Magnitude) headed North by Northwest (Direction) ... so I think of this as kinda having Magnitude , BUT , but ,,,,no direction.... the moth fluttering around the light bulb,,, you get the idea. Moving however , not going anywhere...
and as Forrest Gump says,, that is all I have to say about that
enjoy the Video,,,,