Thursday, September 25, 2014

The light at the end of the Tunnel

A popular phrase,,,, normally menaing that the you are moving from the darkness toward the light,,, things are imporving,,, that you should try to move toward the light,,, Well what if the light at the other end of the tunnel is a train headed in your direction ??   The deal of when a door closes that another one opens.  Well..... I'm waiting, and I don;t even see any doors...loet alone ones that are opening.

Can the Baseball season just end Already.

Not sure about what to say,,,
 ..I'll post up some of the photos from the lastest project , that started with replacing 4 Skylights, and now ,,,,,,,,,, it's 2  more HUGE  3 foot x 5 foot lights,  , its six  5 foot by 4 foot windows,, a new Sliding door,, 2 smaller windows.. reframing 40 feet of Exterior wall ,,, Probalby 10 new lights,,, a 1/2 doz outlets, a water spigot,  NEw Brick facing for  a 40 ft x 3 ft wall,,, 150 sqft of Tougne and groove Interior siding ,,,ya,,, maybe by Thanksgiving,,,

We saw this guy on Palladia a few weeks ago,,, thought I would give you a taste.,
With a Tom Waitts song,,

Jockey Full of Bourbon