Greeting,,,and apologies to ALL Constant readers of the Celery Consciousness,,, (I know it's just me) - So after abandoning the Blog for so long , I have an Idea to restart my thinking,,, "THE SUNDAY BITCH" - Leno - back in the day - when he was a guest on the Letterman show,, he would do a bit of what's your beef Jay? So, I will attempt to come up a Bitch per week to at the very least keep the BLOG going,,,
SO,, a short bitch session today,,,,, what with all the overage on the Weather channel on Gustav - stupid name for a Hurricane - why do they they need the fancy graphics, and Music , and they send those Weather channel folks into the worse situations,,,, everyone else is pulling out and these poor bastards are setting up shop,,, and having to stand outside the wind and the rain to get the best shot,,, like we do not know what rain looks like,,, I wonder - if their advertising rates go up during disasters !!!???